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Examples of Latest Works

Here are a few of my most recent calligraphy projects, wedding stationery commissions, craft product creations and other artwork in more detail. The examples are updated periodically, so look in again soon!

Fiona Graham-Flynn - Scribe

Colyford Map - March 2013 Map of Colyford, Devon - Mar 2013
Outline map of the village of Colyford in east Devon, formerly an ancient borough founded in 1231 AD, showing its parish boundary, principal roads and historic buildings (left - Enlarge: 452kb). Also illustrated Colyford Map - Detail - March 2013 is the village's "ship" crest (shown, right - Enlarge detail: 562kb). Lettering executed in a combination of Carolingian and Gothic scripts, with pen and ink mapwork in black line, based on a 19th century 1/2500 map.

Kahlil Gibran Poem - Dec 2012 Commissions of Poetry - Dec 2012
Three poetic commissions for different clients. The first is a 'nature' setting of a Kahlil Gibran poem about children, written in Italic 16th-17th century script and illustrated in gouache with lilies, a kingfisher and an owl. (Enlarge Gibran: 662kb). New Home Poem - Dec 2012 The second is "For a New Home", a poetic blessing by John O'Donohue (shown, right), from his book "To Bless The Space Between Us", executed in Uncial (7th-8th century) script with Celtic Knot corner decoration and two-colour gouache finish. (Enlarge Blessing: 637kb). Poem: The Owl And The Pussycat - Dec 2012 The third is Edward Lear's 1871 nonsense poem "The Owl And The Pussycat" (shown, lower left), commisioned for a first wedding anniversary and executed in Italic script with a simple gouache cartoon accompanying the title. (Enlarge Lear: 574kb).

BOS 2012 PDF Cover
BOS 2012 PDF Cover
Three 'Six by Nine' Artworks for Bridport Open Studios - Aug 2012

Created to feature and (hopefully) sell during the Bridport & West Dorset Open Studios 2012 event's exhibition of small works by artists including myself. Exhibition launch night Thurs 9th August - see Events 2010-12 for details.

Illumination Detail - August 2012 Illumination - August 2012 No.1 ~ Medieval unitarian prayer written in Black Letter Gothic script using black chinese ink. Illuminated with Capital "F" in raised gilding in 24 ct gold, with gouache colour infill of flowers.

Nunc scio - Flourished Italic - August 2012 No.2 ~ Latin Love inscription, 'Nunc scio quid sit Amor' (Now I know what Love is), written in Flourished Italic hand, using dark red gouache colour. Click on any of the images to see an enlargement.

Celtic Blessing Detail - August 2012 Celtic Blessing - August 2012 No.3 ~ Celtic Blessing written in gouache colour with inner Celtic knot design. The blessing reads: "May Michael shield me, may Brigid shield me, may Mary shield me, on sea and on land: to shield me from all anguish".

Limited edition prints of the three artworks will also be available to buy during the three-week event (11th to 27th August 2012) in Bridport, Dorset.

Yeats Poem - Feb 2011 Birthday Plaque (70 Years) - Jul 2012
A commission celebrating "...three score years and ten of creative genius on land and sea...". Illuminated centre numerals with gold leaf gilding, surrounded by a circular inscription in Uncial script and decorated with figure-work in gouache including mythical creatures and four corner motifs of a Viking boat sailing over Celtic wave-knots. (Enlarge: 407kb).

'Red' Table Plan - December 2011 Red Table Plan - December 2011
A framed table plan for a "Red" society evening dinner at the Connaught Hotel in Mayfair, London. (Enlarge: 523kb). Illustrated with the society's logo ("ReD") 'Red' Table Plan - detail - December 2011 in red gouache, plus holly and vine leaf decoration, and a black ink line drawing of the 5-star hotel's crest and motto (Placere placet ~ "it is a pleasure to please"). (Enlarge detail: 485kb).

Wash Common, Berks Wash Common, Berks Wash Common, Berks
Inscriptions for Book of Remembrance - May 2011
A commission from the Church of St George the Martyr, Wash Common, Newbury, Berkshire to inscribe names in a Book of Remembrance kept on public display. The names are those of parishioners who have died and whose relatives have since requested their inclusion. The book is leather bound and approx. 10 inches wide, and was begun in the 1960s. It has a vellum double page for each month, where I now update the names once a year matching the style of the originator using red and black gouache. Click on any image above to see enlargements (200-330KB).

Yeats Poem - Feb 2011 Tread Softly ... Yeats Poem - Feb 2011
Perhaps W.B. Yeats' most famous poem, "He wishes for the cloths of heaven" (1899), known chiefly for its final line "Tread softly because you tread on my dreams". Written in Uncial script next to a left border Yeats Poem - Detail - Feb 2011 of celtic knotwork executed in gouache, on light blue card. (Enlarge: 526kb). A shamrock-decorated majiscule "H" (detail, right) illuminates the start of the first line "Had I the heavens' embroldered cloths". (Enlarge detail: 543kb).

Astro Poem - Nov 2010 Poem for Sir Patrick Moore - Nov 2010
A rather unique commission - a 10 year old schoolgirl had written a special poem after visiting Sir Patrick Moore (astronomer and presenter of the BBC's "The Sky At Night"), and wished to send it to him as thanks. Astro Poem - Detail - Nov 2010 Therefore the presentation piece was executed in Italic script (Enlarge: 626kb), written on grey card pre-printed with a background photo of the cratered surface of the full moon. (Enlarge detail: 569kb).

Just For You Poem - Mar 2009 Poem: "Just For You" - Mar 2009
A memorial poem commissioned by a family shortly after a bereavement. Just For You Poem - Detail - Mar 2009 Written in Carolingian script (also known as Roundhand or Foundation script), on pink card (Enlarge: 549kb). The majiscule "J" is illuminated with gold leaf, and the left border column vine decoration includes three smaller illuminations of chemistry bottles (denoting the person's interest in science), a palette and brushes (denoting art), and a scribe (denoting literature). (Enlarge detail: 589kb).


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